Dermatology is a branch of science associated with diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the skin, nails and hair.
Well, the skin is perhaps the most visible and largest organ of the human body. It seems to reflect the overall health of the body and serves as a barrier against bacteria and injury.
Dermatology is adapting itself constantly to cater to the society’s changing medical challenges. New drugs are prone to cause unusual side-effects; industrial compounds, pesticides and cosmetics pose new dermatological problems on a continual basis. More of outdoor work and leisure time has maximized the exposure to the sun, eventually resulting in skin diseases.
Who is a dermatologist?
A dermatologist is a medical expert one should consult if he or she has any significant problem with his/her skin. A dermatologist is a physician that is specialized in the treating the diseases of the skin, hair, nails and the mucous membranes.
Dermatologists are experts who are capable of diagnosing and treating over 3000 different diseases including acne, eczema, skin cancer, psoriasis, dandruff, and nail infections. They also help enhance the looks of the skin, hair and nails of their patients. For instance, a dermatologist can help a person.
You should visit a dermatologist if you suffer from any of the following skin diseases:
Patients of all age groups, from newborns to senior citizens, can benefit from the treatments offered by dermatologists.
Dermatologists have expertise in several basic sciences including pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, physiology, physics and endocrinology. They are familiar with various other medical specialties owing to their consultant work and as skin diseases are most often associated with different internal conditions.
MD - Dermatology, DVD, MBBS
MD, Dip (Dermatology Dip Skin A), MBBS
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