A neurosurgeon is a specialist in diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders affecting the nervous system, including the brain, spine, spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves. The nervous system is a network of thread-like cells and nerves that send signals to and from the brain and spinal cord to different parts of the body, and stimulate sensory impulses in the organs, arms, legs, hands and feet. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is a vital organ that controls every process that regulates human body. A neurosurgeon is a medical physician who has knowledge and expertise in surgical treatment of diseases and conditions that affect the central and peripheral nervous system, including trauma, vascular disorders, congenital anomalies, tumors, etc.
Neurosurgical specialists use applied research and latest techniques to perform a wide range of neurological therapies and treatments that include the brain and the spine or spinal cord. They diagnose and treat spinal injuries, brain tumors, and other neurological conditions. There are different sub specializations of neurosurgeons like Peripheral, Pediatric, and Spine Neurosurgeon. They work closely with neurologists, psychiatrists and other physicians for effective treatment and therapeutic solutions.
Mentioned here are the conditions or complications when one should visit a neurosurgeon:
M.R.C.S. – (Edinburgh), M.Ch., M.S.(General Surgery), MBBS
DM - Neurology, Fellowship in Epilepsy, MD - General Medicine, MBBS
MS Fellowship Pediatric Neurosurgery, Fellowship on Onconeurosurgery, Fellowship Cerebrovascular and intervenstional Neurosurgery UVA, USA
M.Ch - Neuro Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MBBS
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