An orthopedic surgeon specializes in diagnosis, consultation and surgical treatments of conditions and diseases associated with musculoskeletal system of human body. The human musculoskeletal system consists of muscular and skeletal parts including muscles, skeleton, ligaments, joints, tendons, cartilages and more. Orthopedic surgeons may also use non-surgical treatment for conditions like sports injuries, trauma, pediatrics, infections, congenital disorders and degenerative diseases. Orthopedic oncology is another sub-specialization that deals with tumors and cancers of bones.
Some of the common procedures performed by these experts include arthroscopy (of shoulder and knee), meniscectomy, chondroplasty, osteotomy (bone repositioning to correct deformities), fusion or bone grafting, anterior ligament reconstruction, internal fixation, knee replacement, hip replacement, laminectomy and repair of fractures of neck, ulna, femoral shaft, ankle and many other parts.
An orthopedic surgeon may be a general practitioner or specialize in any of the fields including arthroscopy, foot and ankle, joint replacement, reconstructive surgery, shoulders and elbows, hand, trauma and fractures, spine and musculoskeletal oncology. While some of them deal in adult patients only, other treat bother adults and children. You may need an orthopedic expert for diagnosis, treatment (including medications, surgical procedures, exercises and so on), rehabilitation as well as for prevention of bone and muscle conditions.
The common conditions and complications that require a visit to orthopedic surgeon include:
MBChB, FRCS Ed from UK, FRCS-Ortho
M.S, MCh. Orth
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